Sikhya Academy
Sikhya Academy is on stream Sikh Education Platform on Schoology, a very prominent learning management system used by 40 million users globally. Also, a Schoology platform that inspires and motivates kids to explore the core values of Sikhi which express Generosity, Strength, and the Teachings of our Gurus.
Students learn more efficiently and enjoy learning more by working through interactive activities and quizzes provided by the academy. These self-graded assessments give teachers a clear view of how well students are retaining the subjects.
Moreover, the Professional Authorities of Gurmat and Gurmukhi, from all around the globe are part of Sikhya Academy, which composes videos to set up the learning environment for youth.
With this framework, we hope to improve upon traditional methods of educating our youth by offering exposure and engagement with Sikhi that goes beyond Sundays with the capability to blend with a child’s everyday life.